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John Chow

About John Chow

John Chow is a Jr. Product Manager and formerly Windows Application Developer at CounterPath. He previously helped build X-Lite and Bria, and now manages many products under the CounterPath umbrella. He also sometimes writes about how CounterPath is making the VoIP world a better place.

Recent Posts

3 Key Benefits of the Bria Desktop API

APIs aren’t all that new; they are responsible for the seamless flow of information between different programs. For example, when you copy and paste text from one application into another, it’s the...

Introducing the Latest VoIP Softphone SDK 1.12

We're pleased to announce our latest Softphone SDK 1.12, available on all platforms (Windows, MacOS, iOS, and Android). Among the usual bug-fixes and improvements, we also have many new exciting...

Adding Bulk Contacts to Bria Teams

Our customers appreciate how easy the Bria Teams web platform is for setting up their own SIP voice service for managing users and their extensions. Not only that, our users are pleasantly surprised...

Create Your Business Identity with Bria Solo

When starting a business, it’s important to have an identity. You need to have a business name, likely a website, an email address and a social media page. That’s it, right? But what do you do when...

Introducing the new CounterPath Softphone SDK 1.8

We are pleased to announce the general availability of CounterPath’s Softphone SDK 1.8.0 which comes with a great list of new features for developers looking to add powerful UC capabilities to their...

SDK 1.7 and Xamarin Support

One of the major features of the CounterPath Softphone SDK 1.7 is the brand new support for Xamarin. I’m here to tell you why this is such an important feature for both SDK app developers and current...

Introducing the New CounterPath Softphone SDK 1.7

CounterPath’s Softphone SDK 1.7 has a great list of new features for developers looking to add UC functionality to their own software. With this release, we are enhancing the experience of using the...

Game of Softphones: Bria 3 vs. Bria 5

White ravens are being sent to every corner of the world from the CounterPath headquarters. Unlike in Westeros (from Game of Thrones, of course) where the white raven signals winter has finally...